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Garba 2019!

Garba is a traditional Indian folk dance which originates from Gujarat. As I come from that state, garba automatically grabs my attention, interests me, and makes me feel at home. It comes once every year and lasts for a couple of days, in which dance events are held at night and usually go on for 10 hours straight. As a little girl, I took up classes and learnt how to perform this dance, as it isn't anything like a normal dance you see, its unique and different which makes it more entertaining. It takes up high amounts of energy, balance, and so many more skills, which my friends and I have been getting better at each year. When we get tired and sit out for a few minutes, watching others energizes us and we end up dancing again. 
This exciting traditional dance covers several of the CAS Learning Outcomes!
1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

(A) Activity: Welcome

Working Out

The most unexpected circumstances rolled in with the COVID-19 Pandemic. We all were practically locked in our houses and the daily life we used to have was locked out. Most people started turning to indoor activities to pass time and get over the boredom. One of the things I turned to was working out. The reason I chose to workout during this time was that I'm someone who likes to roam around and go out to explore places with others. This privilege was taken away and the feeling of suffocation and stress seeped within me due to being centralized by the same walls every day. In order to release the toxins and get my blood flowing to stay as healthy as I could at home, I started following the quarantine trends and did Chloe Ting's workouts. This helped me majorly as it made me feel better, relieved, energized, and allowed me to lose some weight. The process wasn't easy as I'm not much of an active person but it helped me and I could see the difference in me. The loss of motivation came pretty much every day, however, my sister motivated and encouraged me to keep going and finish the 2-week shred.


The CAS Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

(A) Activity: Welcome

Garba 2020!

A new year came along, and the same old precious festival came back! Garba 2020! The year of 2020 was full of ups and downs, predicting what would happen next was impossible. We had accepted that celebrating Garba wouldn't be possible that year, however, a surprise was awaiting us and it was one the Guajarati's did not mind. The state of Thailand was good with no local cases of COVID-19 occurring, this recovery of the country let us feel at home and celebrate our traditions. Garba, an Indian folk dance happened once again and we danced our hearts out once again. The festival of beauty and grace seeps deep into me and exhilarates me. Being able to celebrate given the situations was a blessing and something I'm extremely grateful for. Dancing for multiple hours straight seems tiring, but the atmosphere present in the location erases the tired and brings out the energy. We stayed up all night, constant circles were danced, and we returned back home looking messier than ever but in the end those 4 nights always are energy boosters and bring out smiles from ear to ear.
This exciting traditional dance covers several of the CAS Learning Outcomes!
1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

(A) Activity: Welcome
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