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Designing a Prom Dress!

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Fashion is a field of interest I've always had. I see it as a way to express who you are and how your personality is by choosing to dress yourself in that way. Holding this passion, I wanted to explore and understand this field more hence I started looking into the different styles of fashion at different  time periods, different locations, and more. Through the process of exploring, I understood the level of skills required to make an article of clothing is immence. I started to look into different techniques then to possibly create something of my own!

CAS Project: Welcome


I decided to make use of the knowledge and understanding of fashion acquired through the investigation process. I made a decision of wanting to create something of my own in order to wear it somewhere and proudly claim its one of my designs. In order to gain the skills of going forward with this decision, I had to learn and practice the skills. The preparation started when I started to watch videos on YouTube on the basic fundamentals and skills required to design something of your own. For example, learning and practicing how to sketch different types of apparel.

CAS Project: Welcome


After understanding and practicing the basic fundamentals and skills of designing came time to show my progress. I took my designing process to the next step by now practicing how to sketch and make different designs of more elegant pieces such as gowns instead of casual wear. I designed several different looks for my prom dress by gaining inspiration from other dresses. However, just designing a prom dress did not mean I was done. Choosing colors, fabrics, cuts, and more was still left to do. I then started to watch more tutorials on YouTube to understand how to make the correct picks, using that knowledge, my look for the dress came to a near end.

CAS Project: Welcome


After understanding and practicing the basic fundamentals and skills of designing came time to show my progress. I took my designing process to the next step by now practicing how to sketch and make different designs of more elegant pieces such as gowns instead of casual wear. I designed several different looks for my prom dress by gaining inspiration from other dresses. However, just designing a prom dress did not mean I was done. Choosing colors, fabrics, cuts, and more was still left to do. I then started to watch more tutorials on YouTube to understand how to make the correct picks, using that knowledge, my look for the dress came to a near end.

CAS Project: Welcome
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