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The ServICE Conference is an interschool conference consisting of many international school students from Bangkok. In the year of 2019, the conference was held at the International Community School, commonly known as ICS. This is a 3 day long experience in which we do something new each day. The first day is usually the day in which students go to different student lead simulations. Their is a wide range of simulations, and all students get to choose the ones they attend. On the second day we were put into different groups with other students and went to different places. My group and I went to a school which taught little children and I got the opportunity to teach many students English! This experiece was very heart warming and delightful, and I truly am very grateful I got the opportunity to help others. The third day we heard speeches given by many students on different topics and that was highly informative.
At the end of the day, ServICE was an extremely delightful experience and one in which I learnt alot.
The CAS Learning Outcomes are as such:
2. Demonstrate the challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
5. Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively
6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

(S) Service: Welcome

K9 CHSA Thai Trip

K9 is a club at my school in which we try to help dogs around the country and spread awareness. We have a major link up with the CHSA Thai Dog Shelter. We as a club make money at different events in many different ways such as selling food and drinks, as well as, club merch. The money we earn is donated to this dog shelter. In December we took a trip to Saraburi, which is the province in which the shelter is located. They have huge acres of land, more than hundreds of rescued dogs, and a few other animals such as pigs and cats. Our trip there was so much fun because we got to play with the animals, and more importantly help the owner in maintaing the area devoted for these animals. Each morning we would go to the shelter and help the owner and play until the evening, and then spend time with our friends in our room and the mall. Overall, this trip was extremely fun not only because we went with our friends, but also because in such a short amount of time we got the chance to meet the amazing handlers of the rescued animals and got the change to help those animals in different ways.
The CAS Learning Outcomes present through this trip are as such:
4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively
6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

(S) Service: Welcome

Secret Santa!

Secret Santa is an anual event at Wells. It happens at the end of the first semester of each academic year. In this the organizers send the secondary school students a form to fill out in which they can order themselves or other students and teachers gifts. The gifts they can recieve are Christmas themed and we attach messages which are either written by us the organizers, or the givers of the present. This seems like an easy task but in reality is quite difficult. Getting more than hundreds of orders means packing more than hundreds of orders, that itself is highly time consuming. With that being there, we also spent alot of time contacting stores and personally going and buying all the gifts. Once we had everything we had to pack it and write all the notes and check if each order is ready. Followed by going around the school, finding the recipient and giving it out. Even though the experience is stressful and tiring, its a great way to spend time with friends, learn new skills, and better your communication.
The CAS Learning Outcomes in this experience are:
2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

(S) Service: Welcome
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