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Laptop Sticker Mini Business in School

This is a creative activity I was inspired to do due to my involvment in the Business Club. International Day, an upcoming anual event at my school was coming up and the club leaders who are also close friends of mine asked us to make business out of something as their main motive was to help people get into the business mindset and help them in understanding how to carry it out. 3 friends of mine, and I, came up with the idea to crease school merchandise. However, we refused to create something our school or other students were already offering, resulting in us coming up with the idea to create school themed laptop stickers. At Wells International School, sports and our mascot have a special place in most people's heart. What better than that to have a sticker off? We designed 6 different stickers consisting of basketball, volleyball, tennis, football, a Seahwak, and the Wells Logo. In this journey we had to shape our minds to start thinking how a business leader would think, we learnt how businessmen plan out and market their products, how to communicate with other people and companies, and most importantly how to work as a team and incorporate everyones ideas. Designing these fulfilled couple of the CAS Learning Outcomes!

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

(C) Creativity: Welcome


Cooking and Baking has been something that caught my interest during quarantine. The main reason I got interested was because of boredom, however, also because of seeing others make delicious dishes at home whilst being quarantined. The first day I tried to make myself breakfast and decided on making pancakes. Since then I have made several different things of which few are documented on the left. I have made dalgona coffee, jelly, chocolate almond fudge, spaghetti, falafel, and lasagna. Being someone who has never cooked or baked anything before, I couldn't have executed doing all this without the help of my mom! Cooking/Baking is way harder than I thought, and I did fail a few times, and burnt myself a couple of times, but in the end, it was a lot of fun! Mainly because I could willingly learn new life skills at home when I had nothing to do and I could spend this time with my mom. 
The CAS Learning Outcomes present in this are:
2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

(C) Creativity: Welcome
Creating TikTok Videos!

Creating TikTok Videos

TikTok has become an extemely popular source of entertainment in today's world. From being able to watch others perform their skills, its a source for you to present your skills and creativity. This idea grasped my attention. I initially downloaded the app as a joke, however, soon got so interested I couldn't resist myself from making videos. I create a variety of different types of videos, from dancing, teaching my parents how to do tiktok trends and dances, short funny skits, challenges, and much more. Over the past 6 months I have made 110 different videos and have received more views per video by being consistent and commited. I remember when I first started, I had no intention of wanting to be noticed and was happy with 200 views on my first video. As I started making more, my views started increasing. I started getting thousands of views and likes, which kept me motivated to make more. Although I never made my motive of creating these videos to be to attain followers or more likes, its purely a stress reliever, and a source of entertainment.
TikTok helped me achieve several of the CAS Learning Outcomes!
1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

(C) Creativity: Welcome
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